/How A Good Inquiry Handling Service Prevents Cart Abandonment
How A Good Inquiry Handling Service Prevents Cart Abandonment

How A Good Inquiry Handling Service Prevents Cart Abandonment

How A Good Inquiry Handling Service Prevents Cart Abandonment

Online shopping is very trendy lately. People tend to look for what they like online and have it delivered in front of their doorstep rather than go out and buy it elsewhere. However, not many people enjoy online shopping. There are many cases of cart abandonment. In fact, according to Baymard Institute, 67.45 percent of online shoppers in U.K. have abandoned their cart. In the U.S., about 58.6 percent abandon their shopping carts.

Reasons for Abandonment

Baymard also found out that 27 percent of U.S. online shoppers have abandoned their order because of too long or “complicated checkout process”. If you have a good inquiry handling service, this will get solved faster and easier.

In 2015, there was about $4 trillion merchandise that was left in the online shopping carts. However, according to BI Intelligence, almost 70 percent of that could have been recovered if there was a good inquiry handling service.

E-commerce companies need to take into consideration the means of their online shoppers. Other reasons why online shoppers tend to leave their carts are because of the payment options. Moreover, online shoppers do not like it when they need to create an account on your website just to buy something or a product they like.

When online shoppers abandon their shopping carts, it does not automatically mean they will not get back to it. According to SeeWhy, there is approximately 70 percent of shoppers who go back to the website or the retailer’s store to finish purchasing their order. This is great for omnichannel retailers but not for online-only business owners.

Good Inquiry Handling

This is nothing when you know how to handle a good inquiry service. Inquiry handling is done best by call centers. Outsourcing inquiry service will be the best for your online market because there are too many things to do and too many questions to answers for a small to medium company like yours.

These things can be avoided when the company has a good inquiry handling service. A well-thought inquiry service can handle many problems that may arise when an online shopper gets into a problem. Many online shoppers tend to dislike it when there are too many things to accomplish or fill out before they can finally get the item they want.

It would be best if there is a call center agent that will help them through every process of their order taking. Customers will likely continue their checkout process and there will be less cart abandonment if someone is leading them to the right and easier way of online shopping.

There are tons of call centers that cater to inquiry handling needs. It is the very basic support that call center does. However, there are also call centers out there who fail to do the basic task. You have to find the perfect fit for your company so the relationship will be mutual. Companies and customers plus the call center should benefit from it.

Author: Fred Chua
I am a Philippine-certified Electronics and Communications Engineer who serves as the CEO of Magellan Solutions Outsourcing Inc. Magellan Solutions is one of the top call centers/BPO companies in the world that can deliver high-performing operations to businesses of any type and any size.